Frequently Asked Questions

Will dry cleaning remove all stains?

It depends on the type of stain. Oil-based stains, such as pizza grease or body lotion, will easily dissolve when dry-cleaned. Water-based stains require a different kind of approach. At  Fine-Look Cleaners, our specialized technician will identify the stain and pretreat accordingly.

Is it ok to leave dry cleaned clothing in plastic?

We cover your garments in plastic in order to protect them in transport. Once the items reach your home, we suggest removing the plastic before storing them away.

What is the difference between dry cleaning and regular washing?

Dry cleaning is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using an organic solvent other than water. Special solvents and soaps are used so as not to harm fabrics and dyes that will not withstand the effects of ordinary soap and water. This process is gentler than regular washing because it reduces the possibility of shrinkage and/or color loss. 

What causes puckering in certain areas of my jacket/coat after cleaning?

Some coats and jackets are made of bonded material. Bonding is when the manufacturer glues two or more fabrics together to produce a certain look and feel. Over time, the glue eventually breaks down leaving a puckered appearance when it separates. To see if a coat is bonded, lift up the inner lining and take notice of the backside of the outer material. If it is not the same material and has a foam backing or a mesh material, then it is bonded.

What should i do if i get ink stains on my clothes?

Removal is usually easier if the garment is brought in promptly with no home remedies applied. Home remedies such as hair spray, only makes the stain worse by creating a glue stain. Ink stains come in a variety of colors and complexions and might be water or oil based. Professional spotting techniques are the most effective way to remove ink stains.

How do i care for my Wedding Gown?

It is important to clean and preserve wedding gowns as soon as possible after the event. Drink and food stains left in the dress will begin to oxidize and because of the fancy ornamentation on most dresses, removing stains becomes more difficult. After cleaning, store your wedding gown in a climate-controlled space. Never store in a hot or humid place like an attic. The heat will cause even a clean dress to turn brown.

How to properly care for Silk and Rayon clothes?

These types of garments are sensitive to perfume, deodorant, perspiration, hair spray, food and beverages. Avoid prolonged contact with any of these substances, which can result in discoloration of the fabric. We recommend cleaning after each wear. Also, have all matching pieces of an outfit cleaned together to maintain consistency of appearance.

Why do some shirts discolor around the collar and underarms?

Some manufacturers of cotton and cotton-blended dress and golf shirts use sulfur dyes in various shades that have proven to be acid-reactive. The dye may discolor from the acids in perspiration when worn by individuals whose physical chemistry is more acidic. This usually occurs more often around the inside of the collar and the underarm area of the shirt. This type of discoloration can sometimes be corrected by applying a mild alkali to the affected area and then washed in a mild detergent.